Agewell's Symposium on CURSE OF ELDER ABUSE
at 6:30 p.m. On Saturday, the 17th July, 2010
Venue: Gulmohar Hall
India Habitat Centre, Lodi Road, New Delhi
(Preferred Entry from Gate No. 3)
Join us to advocate for Needs
and Rights of Older Persons!
and Rights of Older Persons!
(A symposium by Agewell Foundation on 17th July 2010)
Indian society is the only society, where people bless their dear ones with blessings like “live for 100 years”, ”May god add my years to your life”, “May god bless you with 100 years of health and happiness”, etc. In India Old Age is a great Celebration in itself. Even today the concept of Elder Abuse is difficult to comprehend in Indian circumstances. But unfortunately it has become an ugly fact of life even in our society.
Elder abuse, the mistreatment and torture of older people, a manifestation of the timeless phenomenon of inter-personal violence is prevalent in Indian families too. This is an extremely sorry state of affairs. Imagine, being mistreated, verbally abused, and denied proper food, proper medication and care by younger members of family. Older people are indeed in a very helpless situation with eroding social value system in India .
Recently on the occasion of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, Agewell has analyzed the kinds of problems and mistreatments older persons have to face now-a-days and find that -
· 90% cases of elder abuse abusers were young members of their families.
· However, in almost half of the cases (51%) older persons don’t even know whether they are abused or mistreated. In other words, they have become habitual of mistreatment, harassment and even torture in their old age.
· 3/4th older persons (74.5%) found emotionally or psychologically abused whereas 19% older persons are found physically abused. Physical elder abuse is non-accidental use of force against an elderly person that results in physical pain, injury, or impairment.
Older persons are emotionally abused by Intimidation through yelling or threats, humiliation and ridicule, habitual blaming or scapegoat, ignoring the elderly person, isolating an elder from friends or activities, terrorizing or menacing the elderly person, etc. Ignoring health conditions of elderly, financial exploitation of elderly, sexual abuse are found other major forms of elderly abuse. Major consequences of elder abuse are as frequent arguments or tension between the caregiver and the elderly person & also changes in personality or behavior in the elderly person.
How to prevent yourselves from Elder Abuse and Domestic Mistreatment
· Stay sociable as you age; maintain and increase your network of friends/acquaintances.
· Keep in contact with old friends and neighbors if you change to a new address.
· Ask friends to visit you; even a brief visit insures observation of your well-being.
· Accept new opportunities for activities. They can bring new friends.
· Participate in community activities as long as you are able.
· Avoid interference in the lives of younger family members.
· Do not complain or instruct unnecessarily.
· Don't sign a document unless someone you trust has reviewed it.
· Contact Agewell Helpline in need.
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