Importance of Music in Old Age to Age well

Music is one of the most biologically significant activities in human life. It is music that integrates our mind, body and even soul. It plays an important role in every stage of our life.

In Old Age when loneliness surrounds us and anxiety level increases, it becomes a great healer and pacifier. Due to physical weakness, limited social interaction, increasing financial constraints, uncertainty of life and strained interpersonal relationships, many people find their old age miserable and their anxiety level goes up. Even amid their families, they feel they feel as if they are alone & isolated.

There are thousands forms but language of music is universal, that can be understood by all. Raga Chikitsa (Music Therapy) was invented long back in ancient India. This clearly shows importance of music in human life. Many researches have proved that in old age when some of the body organs do not respond/fail to respond, with application of music therapy organs start responding. Recent clinical research also endorses the greater viability of music particularly, those, in who are resistive to other treatment approaches. 

Greater role of music in religious discourses can not be denied. In Old Age people incline towards religion and they attain peace of mind through musical religious tunes. Indeed, its music that attracts millions of people.

Music is a powerful medium to -
-         Enjoy sweet past memories
-         Live in a self-made ideal word  and relieve pains of materialistic word
-         Attain peace of mind & connect to divinity
-         Entertain self & stay fit and healthy
-         Learn art of good living

Music has direct relation with sweet past memories. Activities of younger age are always good memories of life. Music is a very good reminder of sweet past memories.
Soothing powers of Music has also turned it into an effective medical intervention. Music does not only connect older persons to their sweet past but also connect their minds to their inner spiritual powers.

Since Agewell has been working for the welfare of older persons, it endeavours to ensure a better and comfortable life for elderly across the country.

On this occasion, Agewell appeals to everybody to offer their elderly family members music of their choice. By doing these simple things, you can win their hearts and add colour in their lives
·        Let them listen old melodies on your radio/TV
·        Offer them musical instruments of their choice
·        Take them to music concerts
·        Organize musical evening for them
·        Let them participate in music programs
·        Let them enjoy their kind of music with their friends

Realizing the Importance of Music in every older person’s life, Agewell is organizing a Symposium-cum-interactive session on “Importance of Music in Old Age” at Gulmohar Hall, India Habitat Centre, on 23rd April, 2010 from 6:30 pm. Onwards.


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