Agewell's Symposium "WISDOM OF OLD AGE"

Under the Series of Symposiums on Needs & Rights of Older Persons Symposium on "WISDOM OF OLD AGE" 21st May, 201, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi Key Speakers: Dr. Shyam Singh Shashi, Renowned Author
Prof. Shriniwas Rath, Renowned Sanskrit Writer
Ms. Meera Khanna, Social Activist
Mrs. Shaina Haider
Wisdom is not inevitably a product of old age, though reaching an old age increases the chances of acquiring the life experience and emotional maturity that nurture wisdom. Wisdom is generally defined as accumulated learning i.e. knowledge, ability to discern inner qualities and relationships, insight, good sense and judgment. These qualities are gained and enhanced through experience. Life experiences alone give older people an edge in the arena of wisdom. Older people have undergone many experiences that help them become insightful. In India , older people have always been respected as source of wisdom. It is Wisdom of Old Age that makes older person...