Under the Series of Symposiums on Needs & Rights of Older Persons 14th Nov., 2009 at India Habitat Centr, New Delhi Press Release Agewell’s Symposium on “INTERGENERATIONAL INTERACTION” between students & their grand-parents New Delhi , 14 th November 2009 : On the occasion of Children’s Day, Agewell Foundation , an NGO dedicated towards the welfare of Older Persons across the country, organized its 21 st Symposium titled as “ Intergenerational Interaction” in the series of Symposiums on Needs & Rights of Older Persons on 14 th November 2009 at Gulmohar Hall, India Habitat Center, Lodi Road , New Delhi . Dedicated to the school students, sensitized towards specific needs and requirements of their respective grand-parents, indeed it was a unique symposium in the series. The interaction in the symposium covered the intergenerational gap and problems faced by the elderly members of the society. Representative students from reputed schools of Delhi like Path...