
Showing posts from September, 2009

Age Well in your Old Age

Press Release On the occasion of UN International Day of Older Persons on 1st October, Agewell Foundation salutes all older persons. Himanshu Rath of Agewell said, “Let’s all of us work towards bringing a little more certainty and fun in the lives of old people around us.” Old Age is a natural phenomenon. With increasing life span and better facilitation, longevity has increased progressively over the years. It is an unavoidable part of everybody’s life cycle and should be lived gracefully rather than grudgingly. No one should let the mind surrender to conditions of body in old age because a human mind always remains young. In today’s fast paced world one only starts noticing signs of old age much after the gradual process is well underway. After retirement, most of older persons develop a complex of becoming redundant and unimportant. As age sets in, it affects older persons’ body and many old age problems start setting in. Agewell advisory for comfortable old age Personal Optimism m...

Why Agewell for Wellbeing of Older People?

Concept of being respectful and supportive to older persons although sprouted in ancient Indian soil is already history. Older persons are now leading “invisible” lives on margins of family/society where strong negative attitude persists towards them and are being viewed as a burden rather than as a reason to celebrate old age as a human achievement. In absence of any other alternative the family still continues to be falsely considered as survival mechanism of older persons who in fact are struggling alone to face various situations of marginalization and deprivation. The significant increase in population of older persons (60+) to 90 million as of now, is not new but due to remarkably lower level of interest on part of social scientists and policy makers in particular, we are unprepared with regard to organizing of services and infrastructure suitable for handling the emerging needs of invisible older persons, who are most neglected class of society. Whether or...