
Showing posts from January, 2019

Agewell Foundation's Input for Tenth Session of the Open-Ended Working Group on Ageing (OEWGA) working-group/documents/tenth/ Inputs%20NGOs/ AgewellFoundation_Norm_ Independence.pdf

Agewell Foundation's Input for Tenth Session of the Open-Ended Working Group on Ageing (OEWGA)

· working-group/documents/tenth/ Inputs%20NGOs/ AgewellFoundation_Norm_LTC&P. pdf

Agewell Foundation's Input for Tenth Session of the Open-Ended Working Group on Ageing (OEWGA)

Agewell Foundation's Input for  Tenth Session of the Open-Ended Working Group on Ageing ( OEWGA ) · working-group/documents/tenth/ Inputs%20NGOs/ AgewellFoundation_Subs_ Education_training.pdf

Agewell Foundation's Input for Tenth Session of the Open-Ended Working Group on Ageing (OEWGA) working-group/documents/tenth/ Inputs%20NGOs/ AgewellFoundation_Subs_Social_ protection_social_security.pdf

Agewell Foundation study


Agewell Share the Warmth Campaign 2018-19


Media reports about Agewell Foundation's initiative


Agewell Foundation Digital Literacy Program - Supported by #ORACLE

Agewell Foundation Digital Literacy Program - Supported by #ORACLE


Agewell Foundation Digital Literacy Program - Supported by #ORACLE


Agewell Foundation Digital Literacy Program - Supported by #ORACLE


Media report about Agewell Foundation Initiative


Agewell Foundation Digital Literacy Program Supported By #ORACLE

Agewell Winter Report 2018-19

Winters coupled with pollution forces elderly to seek warmth & emotional connect with family members Most old people have to suffer a lot due to harsh weather conditions and ever increasing pollution level during winters. It not only affects them physically but psychologically as well. Agewell Foundation has recently carried out a survey across Delhi-NCR (based on Agewell volunteers' interactions) during this month with 1500 elderly living in the area and come up with some exciting findings. Major concerns of elderly during winters ·        When older persons interacted during the month were asked about their major concern during winters, most of them i.e. 21.7% elderly respondents claimed that they feel depressed during winters as they can't go out of their houses for days due to cold conditions and they hardly find anyone to interact with. ·        21% elderly respondents claimed that their major concern...