Elder Abuse in India (World Elder Abuse Awareness Day -15 th June 2012) Indian society is the only society, where people bless their dear ones with blessings like “live for 100 years”, ”May god add my years to your life”, “May god bless you with 100 years of health and happiness”, etc. In India Old Age is a great Celebration in itself. With fast changing socio-economic and demographic scenario, nuclear family system has replaced traditional joint family system and lifestyle has become very fast. Resultantly there is no space for patience and contentment in the life of younger generations. On the other hand, older persons are not growing rapidly, but also living longer. Indian society is passing through a transitional period. Older persons have no idea to live in old age without any family support. Younger generations find it very hard to adjust with their aging elders and modern lifestyle driven demanding lifestyle. At this stage there is a greater need of aware...