
Showing posts from May, 2009

A Sympoosium - "Older Persons: Custodians of Heritage, Culture & Tradition"

Symposium on "Older Persons: Custodians of Heritage, Culture & Tradition" Guest of Honour: Dr. Karan Singh, President, ICCR Key Speakers: Dr. K K Chakravarty, Ex-Exec.Director, I.G. Instt. of Art & Culture Dr. Mridula Mukherjee , Director, Nehru Memorial Museum & Library Dr. A K Merchant, Gen. Secretary, The Temple of Understanding - India (Bahai's) Shri Prabhash Joshi, Social commentator, Journalist Venue: Gulmohar Hall , India Habitat Centre, Lodi Road 29th May , 2009 Friday ( 6:30 pm onwards) A


Center for Old Age NEWSLETTER May 2009 Let’s Create Political Awareness among Older People Indian democracy is still in the process of maturity unlike European democracies which are ageing. People born in independent India are also entering in the age group of older persons (60+). Until last decade there was negligible population of older persons in India . That’s why older persons have neither treated as a vote bank nor taken seriously by politicians. Voice for old age related issues was hardly raised by them at political forums like Parliament, Legislative Assembly, etc. But during last decade, population of older persons has increased significantly due to several reasons like advancement of medical science, economic prosperity, higher level of health awareness in the society, etc. Indian elderly society is passing through a very tough time. On one hand its elderly population is booming and on the other hand traditional family su...